Educate Outside Newsletter

July 2020

New Free Resources

The Plant Hunt (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9, 10 - 12)

Plant hunts are great fun and easy to do.

Print out the sheet for your students to take into your outdoor space and mark off the plants as they find them. It’s great if you can provide some magnifying glasses so they can look at all the amazing details of each flower.

Download This Free Resource

The Bird Hunt (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9, 10 - 12)

Bird hunts are great fun and easy to do. Print out the sheet for your students to take into your outdoor space and mark off the birds as they find them.

Download This Free Resource

New Premium Resources

The Growing Race  (10 - 12)

Growing plants is great fun and can lead to loads of teaching opportunities. For this activity students will plant a variety of species and measure their growth rate over time.

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The Rockpool Hunt (4 - 6, 7 - 9, 10 - 12)

Rock pool hunts are great fun and easy to do. Print out the sheet for your students to take down to the beach and mark off the creatures and seaweeds as they find them.

Download This Resource
Thank You!

A huge thank you for everybody who has been putting in extra hours during the last few months. As a teacher we are all required to be flexible, but the determination that has been shown by so many over the last few months is nothing but outstanding. I also think there are many parents out there who now have a much greater respect for the teaching profession! 

As schools start to go back we’re very excited that outdoor learning seems to be a big focus on promoting social distancing. Because of this we are going to increase the number of new resources being released over the next few months to help support these exciting initiatives. 


Keep up the hard work!


Has an outdoor session you have run been particularly successful? Or not as the case may be! Either way, we would love to feature your experiences in our newsletter. Get in touch with us at

Keep inspiring and bringing joy into your classroom.
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Newsletter June 2020
Newsletter August 2020