Coordinates - Outdoor Lessons
Outdoor Lesson Ideas for Teachers
Easter Egg Coordinates
This activity is great to get your children active and learning about coordinates while developing basic mapping skills. They also get to eat chocolate! For...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12
Christmas Coordinates Secret Code
In this Christmas themed activity your class must hide words on spooky cards that make up a secret message around your school / outdoor space and mark...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12
Secret Code Coordinates - Halloween Themed
In this Halloween themed activity your class must hide words on spooky cards that make up a secret message around your school / outdoor space and mark...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12
Outdoor Mapping Activity - Report Writing - Coordinates
For this activity students will create a map of your outdoor space imagining they are an animal that lives there. It is great if you’re looking at habitats,...
Free Downloadages 7-9, 10-12
Coordinates Lesson (One Quadrant) - Playground Battleships
Playground Battleships is a great way to learn about, or recap finding coordinates on a one quadrant grid. In pairs your class will play a large scale...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12
Active Coordinates Lesson - Secret Code
In this outdoor coordinates lesson, your class will hide words that form a secret message around your school or outdoor space, marking their locations...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12