Outdoor Geometry Lesson - Angles Task Cards

Outdoor Geometry Lesson - Angles Task Cards

Sticks are a great resource when looking at shape, angles, and lines. These task cards / slides get your students building shapes using sticks based on...

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ages 7-910-12
Scaling Up Shapes - Ratio & Proportion - Measurement

Scaling Up Shapes - Ratio & Proportion - Measurement

Why scale up shapes on paper when you can do it on the playground! These task cards will get your students scaling up shapes and drawing them on the playground...

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ages 7-910-12
Properties of Shape Game - Blindfolded Geometry Task Cards

Properties of Shape Game - Blindfolded Geometry Task Cards

This engaging team-building math activity gets your class thinking critically about the properties of 2-D shapes. Using differentiated task cards, students...

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ages 7-910-12
Outdoor Math Scavenger Hunt / Trail - Ages 9 - 11 - Task Cards

Outdoor Math Scavenger Hunt / Trail - Ages 9 - 11 - Task Cards

Get your class engaged with maths from the very start of the year with this exciting outdoor math scavenger hunt activity. It’s also a fantastic way...

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ages 7-910-12