Christmas Camouflage | Animal Adaptations and Mimicry
This Christmas themed activity combines science, art, and creativity while teaching children about animal adaptations and the wonders of the natural world....
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ages 4-6, 7-9, 10-12
Science ~ Age 7-9, Camouflage - Outdoor Lessons
Outdoor Lesson Ideas for Teachers
Christmas Camouflage | Animal Adaptations and Mimicry
This Christmas themed activity combines science, art, and creativity while teaching children about animal adaptations and the wonders of the natural world....
Premium Downloadages 4-6, 7-9, 10-12
Living Things Outdoor Task Cards
These outdoor task cards are the perfect addition to your living things topic. They are a great way to introduce or recap your topic. Each card has a challenge...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12
Animal Adaptations Lesson - Camouflage Worm Hunt
This camouflage worm activity is an excellent way to teach students about the importance of camouflage in nature. It's a simple yet effective exercise...
Free Downloadages 4-6, 7-9
Easter Camouflage Activity - Animal Adapatations
This Easter themed activity focuses on how animals have adapted to hide themselves in the wild. It looks at the importance of camouflage through a fun...
Free Downloadages 4-6, 7-9, 10-12
Animal Observations - Outside / Webcams
This animal observation record is designed to be used either outdoors or when looking at live webcams. Students will look closely at both the physical...
Free Downloadages 7-9, 10-12
Animal Adaptations Lesson - Camouflage Worksheet: Find My Bug
These worksheets are designed to get your class thinking about how animals camouflage themselves in the wild. It is a perfect topic starter, or extension...
Free Downloadages 4-6, 7-9
Animal's Camouflage & Adaptations Lesson
Explore the fascinating world of camouflage and mimicry with a series of fun, hands-on activities designed to engage your class. These exercises will spark...
Premium Downloadages 7-9
Animal Adaptations Activity- Camouflage Hide and Seek
Engage Your Class with a Fun Camouflage Activity: Design and Hide Camouflaged Bugs and Birds in a Nature-Themed Game of Hide and Seek. Perfect for teaching...
Free Downloadages 7-9