
Weather Forecasting - Cloud Diary - Weather and Seasons
This cloud diary is an excellent way to introduce students to the basics of weather forecasting, providing them with hands-on experience in observing and...
Premium DownloadScience
ages 7-9, 10-12
ages 7-9, 10-12

States of Matter Investigation: Evaporation - The Magic Puddle
Explore the magic that is evaporation, and states of matter, with this fun investigation. The Magic Puddle Investigation will get your class improving...
Free DownloadMath, Science
ages 7-9, 10-12
ages 7-9, 10-12

States of Matter: QR Code Quiz
This QR code quiz is perfect for introducing the topic of ‘States of Matter’ or as a refresher lesson. It covers a variety of questions on solids,...
Premium DownloadScience
ages 7-9, 10-12
ages 7-9, 10-12