Capacity Hunt | Capacity & Volume | Units of Measure

Capacity Hunt | Capacity & Volume | Units of Measure

In this outdoor capacity math lesson, students will participate in a capacity hunt where they work in pairs to find hidden containers around the outdoor...

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ages 7-910-12
World Whale Day Math | Measuring & Scaling | Units of Measure

World Whale Day Math | Measuring & Scaling | Units of Measure

In this activity, students will use chalk to draw life-sized representations of whales on the playground. Working in groups, they will receive an image...

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ages 7-910-12
Measurement & Data Handling Lesson - Pollution / Environment - Carbon In Trees -Climate Change

Measurement & Data Handling Lesson - Pollution / Environment - Carbon In Trees -Climate Change

This resource is designed to help children understand the concept of carbon and its role in trees. It provides an interactive learning experience that...

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ages 7-910-12
Measurement and Scaling Activity - Manatee Math

Measurement and Scaling Activity - Manatee Math

This outdoor manatee lesson incorporates math, allowing students to use their measuring skills to draw a baby and adult manatee using chalk. It’s an...

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ages 7-910-12
Copy The Sand Patterns - Shape & Motor Skills

Copy The Sand Patterns - Shape & Motor Skills

These visual sand pattern / shape cards are great to have available in your outdoor space. Simply print them off, laminate them, and let your students...

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ages 4-6
Early Counting & Shape Lesson - Rock Patterns - Numbers 1 to 10

Early Counting & Shape Lesson - Rock Patterns - Numbers 1 to 10

These visual rock pattern / shape cards are great to have available in your outdoor space. Simply print them off, laminate them, and let your students...

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ages 4-6
Units of Measure - Ordering Numbers - Outdoor Measuring

Units of Measure - Ordering Numbers - Outdoor Measuring

Measurement is a great topic to be taught outdoors! This activity will teach your little ones to measure objects accurately using a variety of units (leaves,...

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ages 7-910-12
Outdoor Geometry Lesson - Angles Task Cards

Outdoor Geometry Lesson - Angles Task Cards

Sticks are a great resource when looking at shape, angles, and lines. These task cards / slides get your students building shapes using sticks based on...

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ages 7-910-12
Measurement, Scaling, and Ratio Lesson - Dinosaur Footprints

Measurement, Scaling, and Ratio Lesson - Dinosaur Footprints

Dinosaurs and math—what's not to love! In this activity, your students will "walk like dinosaurs" by drawing and scaling dinosaur footprints on card,...

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ages 7-910-12