Forget the stuffy classroom and dusty textbooks! We need to push for a focus on outdoor education, the practice of bringing learning outside the traditional classroom, is not just a fun break; it’s a powerful tool with a plethora of benefits for students of all ages.

But why should you swap the whiteboard for a woodland trail? Let’s explore five reasons to take your lessons outside:

1. Brainpower Boost: We all know a hot stuffy room makes you feel drowsy. Studies show that spending time in nature enhances cognitive function. The fresh air and natural stimulation boost memory, attention span, and critical thinking skills.

2. Building Strong Bodies, Stronger Minds: Outdoor learning isn’t just about intellectual growth; it’s beneficial for physical and emotional well-being too. Engaging in outdoor activities increases physical activity, reducing stress and helps to improve mood.

3. Nature, the Ultimate Textbook: Ditch the textbook and open the world around you! Outdoor education provides a unique opportunity to learn by doing. Imagine students conducting science experiments in a real stream, observing plant life firsthand, or learning about history through a visit to a local historical site. The natural world becomes their interactive classroom, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the subject.

4. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Collaboration is key throughout our lives, and nature provides the perfect opportunity to develop these skills. Imagine students navigating a ropes course together, building trust and communication, or working as a team to solve a nature scavenger hunt. These experiences foster essential life skills like teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership, preparing them for success beyond the classroom.

5. A World of Wonder Awaits: Let’s face it, traditional classrooms can feel constricting. Outdoor education breaks down these walls and opens up a world of possibilities. Being able to inspire and motivate children with their learning is just as, if not more, important than the content which is being taught. The best teachers inspire a life-long love for learning and outdoor learning can help to facilitate this.

So, step outside and embrace the power of outdoor education! Remember, not all lessons need to be planned and outcomes will change as thoughts and ideas develop. Start small, get creative, and watch your students blossom as they learn, grow, and connect with the world around them in a whole new way.

For loads of outdoor learning lessons be sure to check out the resources section of our website.

6 Outdoor Science Lessons: Ages 7 - 9
Newsletter February 2024