Persuasive Writing

Outdoor Persuasive Writing - My Item Is Best - Non-Fiction
Debating is a great way to get students thinking creatively about persuasive language. For this activity students will go and find the most interesting...
Free Downloadages 7-9, 10-12

Cross-Curricular Plants and Ecology Project - Seed Bombs
This is a fantastic project with connections to living things, math, art, and business. Your class will create their own business selling seed bombs, involving...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12

Persuasive Writing Lesson - Non-Fiction Text - Save The Weeds
In this engaging activity, your class is on a mission to save the weeds! Each student will adopt a weed, study it closely, and think about all the positive...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12

Cross-Curricular Pollution Investigation - Humans & The Environment - Data Handling - Persuasive Writing
This cross-curricular math investigation is perfect if you're looking at humans and the environment. Plastic waste is a growing global issue, and this...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12

Persuasive Writing Lesson: Woodland Estate Agents
This resource is a fun way to get your class outdoors and putting their persuasive language and writing skills into practice. Your students will become...
Premium Downloadages 7-9, 10-12