Setting Descriptions - Outdoor Lessons
Outdoor Lesson Ideas for Teachers
Five Senses Walk - Descriptive Writing
This is a nice activity to explore the world around us through our 5 senses. It's great if you're looking at the human body in science or setting descriptions...
Free Downloadages 4-6, 7-9
Guess The Tree - Adjectives
This activity is all about hugging trees! It's perfect to encourage students to use adjectives in their descriptive writing as they use their senses (apart...
Free Downloadages 7-9, 10-12
Alphabet Game - Description and Senses.
This is a great literacy game to send home with your children, and it's easy to prepare. Each child embarks on a journey to find things they can see, smell,...
Free Downloadages 4-6, 7-9, 10-12
Nature Journal
This creative activity gets students using their senses to describe the setting around them using a mixture of descriptive writing and drawing as they...
Premium Downloadages 4-6, 7-9
Where Am I?: Setting Description Game
Encourage your students to use all of their senses to help develop their descriptive writing. For this activity your class need to be in pairs, where one...
Free Downloadages 7-9