Woodland Tracker (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Woodland tracker is a great way to investigate which animals are sneaking around in your outdoor space or local woodland. It's a great activity if you're looking at observation skills or habitats and can be differentiated for all age ranges.
February 2023
New Free Resources
Color Scavenger Hunt (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9)
Colors are all around us in nature so why not head outside and explore them with your students. This is a simple and fun activity where they complete the table by finding items for each of the different colors.
Camouflage Worm Hunt (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9)
This camouflage worm activity is great to teach your students the importance of camouflage in nature. It's a very simple yet effective activity that clearly shows how animals are colored to suite their environment.
New Premium Resources
Dinosaur Footprints (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Continuing patterns is an easy to prepare and fun activity to do outdoors where your students will get loads of practice in spotting and continuing patterns on our differentiated activity sheets.
Woodland Tracker (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Woodland tracker is a great way to investigate which animals are sneaking around in your outdoor space or local woodland. It's a great activity if you're looking at observation skills or habitats and can be differentiated for all age ranges.
Green House Effect (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
This is a great outdoor experiment that demonstrates how the earth is kept warm enough for life (as well as global warming) through the greenhouse effect.
Freebie February!
There are only 24 hours left to download all of our free resources we have published this February! Head over to www.educateoutside.com and check out what resources are on offer.
As of tomorrow these resources will only be available to our premium members.
Keep inspiring and bringing joy into your classroom.
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