Outdoor Home Learning.
Teaching over the last 12 months has thrown many different challenges at us, most noticeably having to adapt to provide distance learning opportunities for our students due to the COVID restrictions. For many this is still a key issue that we are dealing with.
Many of our resources can be used very effectively as a stand-alone resource to be sent home for parents to do with their children. Many children will not be getting enough outdoor play and learning opportunities during lockdown so we encourage you to check out our resources and see which ones you can send home to encourage students to enjoy the outdoors!
We see this as being a great opportunity to encourage parents to explore the outdoors with their children, something which will hopefully carry on long after COVID has passed.
We wish you all the best in the coming month!
January 2021
All of the resources in this newsletter are great to be sent home as home-learning projects / activities.
New Free Resources
A Month Outdoors (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Get outside everyday for a month with this fun outdoor activity calendar. This resource contains 30 different easy activity ideas to do outside. It's a fantastic way to encourage outdoor learning that both you and your children are sure to love.
Mindset Scavenger Hunt ( 4 - 6, 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
This scavenger hunt encourages students to look at the amazing world around them while looking out for things that make them or others feel certain emotions.
New Premium Resources
Save The Weed (7 - 9, 10 - 12)
For this activity your class are on a mission to save the weeds. They will adopt a weed and spend some time studying it carefully and thinking about all the good things about their weed.
Energy Detective ( 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Energy is all around us, inside and out, as your class will find out with this fun and practical lesson. This activity is a great introduction or recap for your ‘forms of energy’ topic as students will go on a hunt to see how many different forms of energy they can spot.
Teaching over the last 12 months has thrown many different challenges at us, most noticeably having to adapt to provide distance learning opportunities for our students due to the COVID restrictions. For many this is still a key issue that we are dealing with.
Many of our resources can be used very effectively as a stand-alone resource to be sent home for parents to do with their children. Many children will not be getting enough outdoor play and learning opportunities during lockdown so we encourage you to check out our resources and see which ones you can send home to encourage students to enjoy the outdoors!
We see this as being a great opportunity to encourage parents to explore the outdoors with their children, something which will hopefully carry on long after COVID has passed.
We wish you all the best in the coming month!
Keep inspiring and bringing joy into your classroom.
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Educate Outside · Les Cache · Houmet Lane · Vale, Guernsey GY6 8JG · United Kingdom