Barefoot Description (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
It's time to connect with nature, get those shoes off, and explore our senses with barefoot adjectives. For this activity students will wander around your outdoor space barefoot while exploring their senses and thinking of adjectives, similes, and metaphors to best describe what it feels like.
May 2022
New Free Resources
Drawing Scavenger Hunt (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9)
Get your students involved with this drawing scavenger hunt where they'll head outside to see if they can find and draw all the items on the sheet. It's great if you're looking at your local area, wildlife, and observation skills. You can also use this activity to help introduce habitats.
Barefoot Description (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
It's time to connect with nature, get those shoes off, and explore our senses with barefoot adjectives. For this activity students will wander around your outdoor space barefoot while exploring their senses and thinking of adjectives, similes, and metaphors to best describe what it feels like.
New Premium Resources
Literacy Challenge (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
This pack of outdoor literacy challenge cards contains 20 cards each with a different literacy challenge for a wide range of topic areas. They are great to be used at the start or end of term.
Outdoor Math Task Cards (Ages 4 - 6)
Have fun with math outdoors with this recap activity. This resource contains 16 task cards each with a math task to practice counting, simple addition, shape, and size.
World Ocean Day
'On World Ocean Day, people everywhere can unite to celebrate and take action for our shared blue planet, with one ocean and one climate, which connect us all. Get together with your family, community, and /or your company, and join with millions of others around our blue planet to create a better future.
By working together, we can -- and will -- protect and restore our shared ocean and climate. Join this growing global celebration in June and continue to grow the engagement year-round!' -
Why not take your students down the beach and take part in our rock pool hunt to celebrate this important day or take part in a beach clean as part of your data handling topic.
Download our rock pool hunt resource here.
Download our beach clean resource here.
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Educate Outside · Les Cache · Houmet Lane · Vale, Guernsey GY6 8JG · United Kingdom