Educate Outside Newsletter

October 2022

New Free Resources

Letting Things Go (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9)

Trees in autumn are a great metaphor when thinking about how good it can be to let things go be it bad habits or forgiving those that have been mean to us. This is a great PSHE lesson to do this autumn where your students will think about what they would like to let go. 

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New Premium Resources

A Year of Challenges (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)

This resource contains a whole years worth of outdoor homework challenges with one activity per school week. The challenges are cross-curricular and contain loads of fun and practical activities from art to geography. 

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Greenhouse Effect (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)

This is a great outdoor experiment that demonstrates how the earth is kept warm enough for life (as well as global warming) through the greenhouse effect. 

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My Cloud Diary (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9, 10 - 12)

This cloud diary is a fantastic way to introduce students to weather forecasting as well as getting them outside and observing the changes in the weather each day. Briefly explain how clouds are formed, linking it to the water cycle.


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National STEM Day
Celebrate national STEM day this November! STEM is becoming more popular around the world so why not celebrate this great initiative by taking your students outside with one of our STEM themed activities. 

Check out our STEM challenges here. 

Has an outdoor session you have run been particularly successful? Or not as the case may be! Either way, we would love to feature your experiences in our newsletter. Get in touch with us at

Keep inspiring and bringing joy into your classroom.
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6 Different Learning Methods Outdoors for Children