World Car Free Day
World Car Free Day has been designed so that we all avoid using our vehicles on this date. While cars are convenient and offer a number of benefits, they also contribute a dangerous amount of pollution, so having a day off comes highly recommended. World Car Free Day is great for raising awareness about these concerns and helping to reduce emissions.
Get your school involved this year by encouraging them to find a different way to school. Get them to make posters, write, poems, and design adverts encouraging them to find a different way to get to school.
September 2022
New Free Resources
Rhyming Pair Cards (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9)
This is a great resource to introduce or recap rhyming that can be used in a variety of ways. This pack contains 32 rhyming pairs with visual prompts on each card.
Wild Story Telling (Ages 4- 6, 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Wild story telling is a great way to let your students' imaginations run wild as they use natural items they find in your outdoor space to plan and tell their very own wild story.
New Premium Resources
Things That Melt (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9)
This investigation is perfect for that hot summer's afternoon when you simply need to get outside. Students will compare items that melt and investigate whether these items have a different melting rate.
Soil Explorers (Ages 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Have you ever wondered what lurks beneath the soil? With this science investigation you're about to find out as your students become geologists to investigate what is underneath a patch of land.
World Car Free Day
World Car Free Day has been designed so that we all avoid using our vehicles on this date. While cars are convenient and offer a number of benefits, they also contribute a dangerous amount of pollution, so having a day off comes highly recommended. World Car Free Day is great for raising awareness about these concerns and helping to reduce emissions.
Get your school involved this year by encouraging them to find a different way to school. Get them to make posters, write, poems, and design adverts encouraging them to find a different way to get to school.
Keep inspiring and bringing joy into your classroom.
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