Energy Detective (7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Energy is all around us, inside and out, as your class will find out with this fun and practical lesson. This activity is a great introduction or recap for your ‘forms of energy’ topic as students will go on a hunt to see how many different forms of energy they can spot.
August 2020
New Free Resources
Texture Explorer (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9)
This activity is all about students exploring different textures in the world around them. Don’t be afraid of students getting muddy during this activity!
The Bird Hunt (Ages 4 - 6, 7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Bird hunts are great fun and easy to do. Print out the sheet for your students to take into your outdoor space and mark off the birds as they find them.
New Premium Resources
Energy Detective (7 - 9, 10 - 12)
Energy is all around us, inside and out, as your class will find out with this fun and practical lesson. This activity is a great introduction or recap for your ‘forms of energy’ topic as students will go on a hunt to see how many different forms of energy they can spot.
Counting Outdoors (4 - 6)
Using natural resources outside is a great way to engage students when learning to count. This resource is designed to get students taking part in a fun and physical activity while becoming efficient counters in real world situations.
Exciting things are happening this September at Educate Outside. In order to help support teachers returning to school we’ll be releasing 30 brand new resources in 30 days covering a wide range of topics.
We will post the new resources on our facebook page so be sure to head over to and give us a like.
Keep inspiring and bringing joy into your classroom.
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