This British Science Week, why not bring the excitement of science outside? Our collection of fun and easy outdoor science lessons offers the perfect way to celebrate with your class. Get outside, explore nature, and enjoy the wonders of science in action!

Observing weather changes over time is simple but fascinating and a great learning experience for students where they will look at measuring and reading scales before presenting their results in a line graph (for the older children). For this activity they will record the temperature everyday for a week. It’s great yet simple way to keep the focus on science throughout the Science Week.

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Now the weather is warming it’s the perfect time to head out to the pond and explore the wonderful changes in nature. This activity gets students exploring the wildlife in your pond by making their very own underwater viewer using just a plastic bottle, some tape, and scissors. It’s a fantastic activity if you’re looking at living things, habitats, or just want to give your students some time to explore this amazing world.

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Engage your students in this topical investigation as they explore the profound effects of acid rain on our environment. This outdoor science investigation is an ideal addition to your sustainability or pollution curriculum, providing students with valuable insights into a real-world issue. This immersive project spans a couple of weeks and is designed to enhance both investigative and observational skills.

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The sound map is a great way to get students listening to the sounds around them as they investigate this fascinating topic with good links to measuring, compass work and estimation.

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A cross-curricular math and science investigation that involves getting outdoors on a bug hunt. Your class will learn about data handling, graphing (bar charts), estimation, averages, and basic number skills as they search for, and record, the different species of minibeasts that they find.

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Have you ever wondered what lurks beneath the soil? With this science investigation you’re about to find out as your students become geologists to investigate what is underneath a patch of land. They will look into classifying what they find before creating their very own soil explorer museum. It’s a great resource if you’re looking at rocks and soil, geological skills, history, as well as the classification of materials and animals.

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